Mass & Directions


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 75 Reading 1 Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim were stationed above. They cried one to the other, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts! All the earth… | Continue reading..


  1. Welcome to Saint Francis of Assisi Parish – Yuma.  If you are just visiting, we are grateful to have you as a guest and we pray your time here will be blessed.  If you are here for part of the year or full-time, we humbly invite you to join our parish community.  REGISTER ONLINE: To register yourself or your family in our parish, please click the link (here).

Support the Annual Catholic Appeal:  Learn more, click (here)

To donate to the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal, click here or text ACA to the number 41444.

To setup a recurring donation or to give a one-time donation to our parish, click the image below.


Adult Religious Education

If you are an adult who has not been baptized but has an interest or questions about the Catholic Faith, or and adult seeking the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, we would like the opportunity to hear from you and provide some direction on how to begin your journey into the Faith.  Please call Marlene Lorona at 928-502-1665 for English or call the parish office at 928-782-1875 and select option 7 to speak to Evelia Villegas for Spanish.  Si usted es un adulto que no ha sido bautizado, pero tiene interés o preguntas acerca de la Fe Católica, o si necesita los Sacramentos de Primera Comunión y/o Confirmación, nos gustaría tener la oportunidad de escuchar de usted y proporcionarle alguna dirección sobre cómo iniciar su viaje hacia la Fe.  Llame a Marlene Loroña al 928-502-1665 para inglés o llame a la oficina parroquial al 928-782-1875 y seleccione la opción 7 para hablar con Evelia Villegas para español.

Our Call to Protect – Safe Environment and the Protection of Minor Children and Vulnerable Adults.

As parishioners, parents, staff and clergy, it is our duty to protect the innocence and dignity of all, particularly, the most vulnerable, and so together, we are each committed to doing our part in ensuring all volunteers are thoroughly vetted and trained through adherence to the diocesan safe-environment program. 

Safe-Environment Main Page

If there is a current emergency, first dial 911 and report the situation to the authorities.  For information on how to report suspected abuse of minor children or vulnerable adults, click here.  For additional support, you may call our parish compliance officer, Evelia Villegas at 928-782-1875 or email

Como feligreses, padres de familia, personal y clero, es nuestro deber proteger la inocencia y la dignidad de todos, en particular, de los más vulnerables, por lo que juntos, cada uno de nosotros nos comprometemos a hacer nuestra parte para garantizar que todos los voluntarios sean examinados y capacitados minuciosamente a través del cumplimiento del programa diocesano de ambiente seguro.

Página Principal de Ambiente Seguro

Nuestro Llamado a Proteger – Un Ambiente Seguro y la Protección de Niños, Jóvenes Menores y Adultos Vulnerables.  Si hay una emergencia actual que reportar, primero marque 911 e informe la situación a las autoridades.  Para obtener información sobre cómo denunciar sospechas de abuso de niños menores o adultos vulnerables, haga clic aquí.  Para obtener apoyo adicional, puede llamar a nuestra oficial de cumplimiento parroquial, Evelia Villegas al 928-782-1875 o enviar un correo electrónico

Current Live Mass or Service, click (here) – Misa en Vivo – Haga clic (aquí) Facebook Live will begin at approximate start time.

Mass Schedule: For Sunday Liturgy
Saturday 5 PM English
Saturday 6:30 PM Spanish
Sunday 8 AM English
Communion in the Parking Lot will only occur at 9:10AM
Sunday 9:30AM Spanish
Sunday 11 AM English
Sunday 12:30 PM Spanish
Sunday 6 PM English

Horario de Misas: Para la Liturgia del Domingo
Sábado a las 5 PM en Inglés
Sábado a las 6:30 PM en Español
Domingo a las 8 AM en Inglés
La comunión en el estacionamiento solo se llevará a cabo a las 9:10 AM
Domingo a las 9:30 AM en Español
Domingo a las 11 AM en Inglés
Domingo a las 12:30 PM en Español
Domingo a las 6 PM en Inglés

Daily Mass Schedule
Monday 9AM English  –  6PM Spanish
Tuesday 9AM Spanish  –  6PM English
Wednesday 9AM English  –  6PM Spanish
Thursday 9AM Spanish  –  6PM English
Friday – 9AM English – 6PM Spanish
Saturday – 8AM English (1st Saturday Mass each month is Bilingual)

Saint Francis Projects Update click here

Actualización de los proyectos de San Francisco haga clic aquí

The Domestic Church

We are asking all families to commit to engaging in prayer together as a family for at least 15 minutes per day.  Include friends and family who may be alone by using all the technology that is available to us these days, either by phone or any of the many options to connect by video or, when possible, by inviting them over during this time.  The important thing is that as a family, you are able to commit to 15 minutes of leaving the world behind and focusing on your relationship with each other and with our Lord in the home, the domestic Church. – Click here for additional resources to lead your family into becoming a family that prays together.

La Iglesia Domestica

 Estamos pidiendo a todas las familias que se comprometan a orar juntos como familia durante al menos 15 minutos por día. Incluya a amigos y familiares que puedan estar solos utilizando toda la tecnología que tenemos disponible en estos días, ya sea por teléfono o cualquiera de las muchas opciones para conectarse por video o, cuando sea posible, invitándolos durante este tiempo. Lo importante es que como familia, puedan comprometerse a 15 minutos de dejar el mundo atrás y enfocarse en su relación entre ustedes y con nuestro Señor en el hogar, la Iglesia doméstica. – Haga clic aquí para obtener recursos adicionales para guiar a su familia a convertirse en una familia que ora unida.

Diocese of Tucson News: Do you miss our diocese’s former print newspaper “The Outlook”? Did you know that we now have an online version called: “The New Outlook”? Sign up for it today and it will automatically go to your email every week. It is entirely free, and it informs our readers about inspiring and important local, national, and international Catholic issues and events. To sign up for the “The New Outlook”
● Log on
● Enter your name and email address and you will begin receiving “The New Outlook” weekly in your email.
May God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger

Noticias de la Diócesis de Tucson: ¿Extraña nuestro periódico anterior impreso “The Outlook”? ¿Sabía que ahora tenemos una versión en línea llamada “The New Outlook”? Regístrese hoy y automáticamente le llegará cada semana a su correo electrónico. Es gratis, e informa a nuestros lectores sobre temas y acontecimientos católicos locales, nacionales e internacionales. Para registrarse en “The New Outlook”
● Inicie su sesión en
● Ponga su nombre y su correo electrónico, y comenzará a recibir “The New Outlook” cada semana en su correo electrónico.
¡Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente!
Obispo Edward J. Weisenburger

USHERS & Parish Volunteers: We are seeking volunteers to assist with many important duties around the parish.  Please see the list below on how you can share your time and talents during the Liturgy as well as perhaps behind the scenes in keeping our parish clean and maintained.  Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Sacristan, Church Cleaning, Maintenance, Groundskeeping, Painting, Sewing, Decorating, Clerical, Marketing…and more.  Email to express your interest in serving.  May God bless you for your commitment.

blessed sacrament adoration

Saint Clare’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel:

Our St. Clare’s Adoration Chapel is now open to the Public between the hours of 7AM and 9PM daily.
Please click the link below for additional guidance prior to visiting our adoration chapel.

Guidelines for Perpetual Adoration

Capilla de Adoración Perpetua Santa Clara:

Nuestra Capilla de Adoración está abierta al público entre las 7 a.m. y las 9 p.m. todos los días.
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener orientación adicional antes de visitar nuestra capilla de adoración.

Pautas de la Capilla de Adoracion


Saint Francis Masses also Broadcast on Catholic Radio Station

KYVD 92.5 (website) will be broadcasting Fr. Emilio and our parish priests celebrating Private Masses Live on Radio FM 92.5 KYVD (Livestream) daily.  You may also watch them live by clicking the “LIVE Mass” or “Misa en Vive” links above.

For offertory, click here  –  For the Prayer for Spiritual Communion, click here
Por ofertorio, haga clic aquí  –  Por la Oración por la Comunión Espiritual, haga clic aquí

Past Mass Videos may also be seen here

Heavenly Father, so abundant are the blessings You have given to me that I cannot fully account. With gratitude and humility, I accept my role as a disciple of Christ, to be a good steward of these gifts. With You as my guide, I shall not hide them away for fear of losing them but instead, I shall sow them like seeds that they may grow and flourish. May the many blessings I have received, through the proportionate sharing of my time, talent and treasure, further serve to fulfill Christ’s mission.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen!


Catholic Radio Station!
Don’t forget that Yuma has its very own Catholic Radio Station with great Catholic programming. Please tune in to 92.5 FM and listen to EWTN broadcasting.

¡Radio Católico en Español!
Sintoniza al canal 92.5 desde las 9PM hasta las 3AM para escuchar programas Católicos por la radio. Esta disponible todos los días en esas horas. Uno puede aprender mucho de su fe escuchando los programas ofrecidos. Gracias por su apoyo a la radio Católica en Yuma!

St. Francis Bulletin

Parish Bulletin

View and download the latest parish bulletin by clicking here.