Mass & Directions

Sunday January 20th: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Francis Parish | January 21, 2019, 1:30 pm | Reflections

In today’s Gospel from John 2:1-11, there are far too many references that we could draw from to include them all in a short reflection.  This would be a great passage to review again, perhaps utilizing “Lectio Divina”.

The setting is a wedding celebration in “Cana in Galilee”.  Notice that in the first verse, the author writes, “the mother of Jesus was there”.  Then, in the second verse we are told that “Jesus and His disciples were also invited”.  This highlighting of Mary before we are told of Jesus being there is a foreshadowing of the great role our Blessed Mother plays in this passage.

As the events continue, we hear of how Mary was moved to approach Jesus saying, “They have no wine.” (JN 2:3)  She then continues, telling the servers, “do whatever He tells you.” (JN 2:5)  We know that as the Gospel continues, Jesus instructs the servers to “fill the jars with water” and then draw some for the “headwaiter”. (JN 2:7-8)  As the headwaiter tasted the water, the miracle is revealed by his response to the bridegroom.

I would venture to guess that most if not all of us, when asked about the wedding at Cana, would respond in some similar fashion that, “Cana was where Jesus transformed water into wine, performing His first miracle”.  Of course this is true but would fall short of telling a much greater story.  We would be failing to share about the role Mary plays through Her intercession.  Just as She did for the wedding party in Cana, She can and does intercede on our behalf today.

As we place our trust in Jesus our Lord and Savior, let us not forget the power of Mary, our Blessed Mother and her ability to intercede for us in our time of need.

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