Mass & Directions

Sunday December 8th: 2nd Sunday of Advent

St. Francis Parish | December 6, 2019, 10:34 pm | Reflections

   As we are in this Second Week of Advent, we are called to prepare for the Coming of the Lord.  Not only are we waiting and preparing for the Celebration of The Nativity at the Birth of Jesus at Christmas but we are also called to prepare for the return of Our Lord Jesus on the final day.  As we read today’s Gospel from Matthew 3:1-12 and hear how John the Baptist speaks to the Sadducees and the Pharisees, “You brood of vipers!”, it is easy for us to think, ‘I am glad I am not those guys!’.  But John continues, “Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance”, and we are forced to pause and reflect on ourselves a bit.  Perhaps we are not too far removed of the Sadducees and Pharisees.  How have we been living our lives?  Do we allow ourselves to live in revelry throughout the year only to make our way back during Advent and Lent?  What good fruits have we produced in efforts of building God’s Kingdom?
   As we continue through this Advent Season, let us take time to reflect on that which is in disorder in our lives and reconcile this with God.  Let us commit ourselves to placing priority on that which is good and right with Our Lord and transform our lives to live the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.  Let our Faith and Hope lead to greater examples of Love as we care for one another through our own acts as well as being charitable with the blessings God has given us.  As we also come to the end of the calendar year, there are many ways in which we can give now as well as plan to be better stewards in the coming year.  Let us not waste this valuable season to grow in our relationship with Our Lord so that when He does come, we will recognize Him.
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