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St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is an Arizona Non-Profit Tax Exempt Corporation.

St Francis Project Update

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Guide to Giving

So you’re now at a point in your spiritual relationship with God that you truly want to put Him first in your life through a greater commitment to giving in thanksgiving for the blessings He has bestowed upon you.  Or, you may have already experienced the benefits from giving to God but would like to take the next step.  Either way, there are important considerations that must be made.

Are you and your spouse seeing eye to eye on this?

If you are married or engaged, it is important for you and your partner to be on the same page with all regards to financial decisions.  If not, take care to avoid pressuring them into making this change.  Seek God for guidance through prayer for your spouse and speak to a priest for additional direction.

How much should I be giving?

“Tithe” by definition means 10% but the word is often used more generally to describe the act of giving to God.  If you are struggling to take the first step, consider starting at a small percentage of your wages and work up from there.  Over time, you can re-evaluate your income and giving ability, striving to give 5% to the church and the additional portion to local charities doing God’s work; or you may already have the ability to give even more.  Whatever you feel your heart guides you to give, it is important to establish a level of giving that you can maintain.  Giving a smaller percentage regularly is better than occasionally giving $20.

How do I come up with the money to give?

To develop faithful giving to God, we must look at how we currently prioritize our spending.  How can we better invest our money into the building of God’s Kingdom?  Home brewed coffee perhaps?  Do we really watch all of those channels; and an even better question, should we?  How much do we spend on entertainment and eating out?  We must be willing to make sacrifices in the beginning in order to be able to follow through on our commitment to putting God first.

What is the best way to pay my tithe?

We have come a long way since the time of Moses.  We are not literally gathering a tenth of our produce and bringing it to the Church to distribute.  Now, we have many convenient ways to give that help us remain faithful to our commitment to God by ensuring we are giving to Him first and not simply the change left in our pockets or worse, forgetting the checkbook.  Our parish now offers secure online giving; by texting STF to the number 73256 or on our website by clicking “Donate”.  Your bank also offers options on sending a check to the church automatically each month on the day of your choosing.  This part is important as you will likely want to plan your giving around when you are paid and when the rent is due.  Pre-planning your giving around this schedule will make it a lot easier to fulfill your commitment.

Pre-planned options sound good but I like to put my offering in the basket on Sunday.

Your commitment to tithing is a commitment between you and God.  You have spent a lot of time in coming to this decision and remember, if you have chosen a pre-planned option, you are giving faithfully and should feel confident knowing that you have truly put God first.



St. Francis Bulletin

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