Mass & Directions

Sunday September 29th: Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Francis Parish | October 24, 2019, 5:13 pm | Reflections

   What a chilling account today’s Gospel from Luke 16:19-31 gives of two men, one rich and lavishing in all the rewards the world can offer and another, Lazarus, who endured tremendous suffering throughout his life.  As you read this, do not be fooled by Jesus’ use of a Rich Man as the one who would face torment in the netherworld.  It was not the fact that the man was rich that he ultimately suffered.  It was that he lived in excess while at the same time, ignoring the needs of an afflicted man, Lazarus, who sat at his door.  Again I say, the sin was not that the man was rich, it was his devotion to his money that condemned him.  Equally, we must be careful that we do not equate financial poverty as a gateway to salvation.  Simply being poor does not guarantee us any greater connection to God.  In our poverty though, we may be more open to Our Lord through our dependence on Him as opposed to our dependence on material things and our afflictions can have purpose when we devote our suffering to our Lord and His own suffering through His Passion.  Take care however, for if in our poverty, we choose to live an immoral life, we are just as much at risk as the Rich Man.
   Jesus does not condemn those who use their talents to increase their financial security, in fact, we are encouraged to do so. (MT 25:14-30)  However, Jesus teaches us over and over again that we must avoid becoming servants to money and material things.  Regardless of what we choose to do in life, whether it is the choice to build a company or answer the call to teach our young children, we are all faced with the same challenge.  How do we show gratitude to Our Lord for the gifts and blessings He gives us?
   Whether we have worked to build a small fortune or if we live a modest life doing something we love, we are all called to live the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.  We must Believe!  We must desire the Kingdom of Heaven!  Most importantly, We must Love God with all of our heart, all of our mind and all of our soul!  And…
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